College of Central Florida, Rasmussen College and Taylor College nursing students require the American Heart Association Basic Life Support CPR and AED course, commonly referred to as BLS Provider.  Course times are located in a blue box on the calendar below.

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10 Holiday Health Tips

The holiday season is filled with large portions of friends, family and food. We should allow ourselves to enjoy the festivities and be thankful for each of our blessings. While enjoying ourselves we need to be conscious of what we are eating to keeping our bodies safe. In this post we put together a few holiday health tips to help you stay healthy this holiday season.


  1. Visit your doctor and get vaccinations. You will be in contact with a lot of people over the holidays so make sure you are healthy and vaccinated to keep you that way.
  2. Don’t forget your diet. Sure you can cheat a little but don’t completely abandon your diet.
  3. Stay active. Just because it is the holidays doesn’t mean you don’t need to exercise. Incorporate your friends and family and have fun with it.
  4. Enjoy with moderation. This one is obvious, but eat small portions and say “NO” to seconds.
  5. Avoid alcohol. Switch to non alcoholic beverages to avoid the negative consequences alcohol has on your body.
  6. Snack healthy. Grab a healthy snack beforehand to curb your appetite and ease the sugar cravings.
  7. Consider the ingredients. Be mindful of foods with high calories, sodium and fat content.
  8. Indulge a little. It’s the holidays so you deserve to indulge a little. Be selective and only indulge in holiday exclusive foods. Don’t waste your calorie budget on things you can eat anytime.
  9. Easy on the gravy. Yes, gravy is delicious but it is also not so healthy. Go light on the gravy to cut the sodium.
  10. Try not to stress. Stress takes a toll on the body so don’t over do it this year. Drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and enjoy the simple things.

Marion CPR wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Make sure you and your family are prepared for an emergency during this holiday season by being certified in CPR. CPR certification is fast, easy, affordable and a priceless skill to have. Schedule a class today for you and your family at

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