For most of us we cannot even imagine any harm coming to our little one. Unfortunately, thousands of infants and small children’s hearts and breathing stop each year. Events like this can happen to any child even if they appear completely healthy. The heart and breathing can stop from many different reasons such as choking, drowning, electrical shock, poisoning and suffocation just to name a few.
Anytime an infant or child becomes unresponsive it is an absolutely terrifying moment for any parent. What is even more terrifying is being in this situation as a parent and not knowing what to do to save your child’s life. The best thing you can do as a parent or expecting parent is to learn CPR. CPR is a skill that every parent should know regardless of their profession. Making the choice to take a CPR course can literally be the difference between life and death for your child. CPR is not difficult to learn and courses only take a few hours of your time. Sign up today and learn the lifesaving skills of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
Marion CPR prides itself in being a community resource for parents and expecting parents to learn CPR. We firmly believe that every parent should know CPR to help prepare them for the awesome responsibility of raising a child. We offer CPR classes in Ocala at our office throughout the week and on the weekends. Marion CPR also offers group CPR training at your place or ours.